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Let's Play YouTube vs. Blip

The reason why a majority of the Extreme Let's Play video game playthroughs are hosted on blip.tv instead of YouTube has mainly to do with the fact that blip.tv has no time limits on videos they allow Internet TV shows to post.

This is very convenient for Let's Players like us, because sometimes I want to cut Let's Plays to about a half-hour, and blip.tv allows it!

Also, I really appreciate the distribution methods that blip has compared to YouTube. If I really want to, I can set up blip to distribute to an assortment of different Internet video outlets across the web. But that really does require a lot of work and very likely would necessitate me upgrading my blip account. Either way, I'm happy with how things are going right now.

Oh, and one more thing, I really do like that blip makes it so easy to follow statistics of viewership and audience watching habits! Now go watch more of our Let's Plays!


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EXTREME Let's Play

Where being good at the game is made up with extremeness.