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Best Let's Plays, Funniest Let's Play

This blog post, or FAQ post might be changed intermittently, because as I create more and more episodes of Extreme Let's Play, I'm sure that there will be more and more episodes that I like.

That is to say, I have what I consider to be my best let's play video, or the funniest let's play video, but I'm sure that as time goes on, that could change.

Right now, though, I believe my favorite Let's Play episode to be my Let's Play of the LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 video game (Part 4). That was the episode that I seemed to start to really feel comfortable being able to continue to talk and talk and talk in these video game videos, and not feel like I'm repeating myself or becoming boring.

It helped, too, that I had someone to bounce ideas and jokes off of. Thanks to Jessie for taking part in that episode! It really does help, from a humor-standpoint, to be able to have two people talking instead of one. You have the sort of play-by-play talking, paired with the sort of "color commentary."


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EXTREME Let's Play

Where being good at the game is made up with extremeness.