Let's Play Left 4 Dead video game playthrough (Part 3)
We're just about home free! I can feel that the end is near (hint: this is part 3 of 3, so yeah, this is the last part). Now we get to see what kind of obstacles we have to go through in order to get to our final goal, being rescued! ...Or at least being rescued for a small period of time, I can only assume that the zombies continue to exist once we're up in the air, "saved" by a helicopter.
Left 4 Dead Let's Play videogame walkthrough (Part 2)
We continue on with our zombie game fiasco within Part 2 of the video game video series of Let's Play-ing Left 4 Dead. We seem to have gotten into a pretty good rhythm in terms of figuring out to go to find these "safe houses," but we're more and more coming to grips with the fact that the zombie hordes are pretty much limitless. Oh, and there are some weird zombies. Like ones that cry and ones that are super fat who like to puke on you.
Let's Play Left 4 Dead walkthrough (Part 1)
I've been meaning to get a Let's Play up of Left 4 Dead for quite some time now. It's been insanely famous in terms of current generation first person shooters (even though I know a lot of people mainly play it on the computer) so I've been wanting to try it out, and what better way to try it out than by doing a blind Let's Play video game playthrough video!
We start out on the top of some random house (I think it's a house?) and then have to manage to find our way through some strange parking lot city-type thing in order to consistently find "safe houses." It doesn't seem like there's much story to this so far...
Kids love EXTREME Let's Play!
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on Saturday, May 21, 2011
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You heard it here, first!
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time Let's Play (Part 3)
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on Thursday, May 19, 2011
Super Nintendo
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Alright, we continue our monstrous trek within Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time and fly around in space and what not, inexplicably going to random dates where there are, also inexplicably, innumerable Foot soldiers ready and able to fight.
But logic doesn't matter! So we trek on and, as you can tell by the thumbnail of part three, we're able to find the eeeeevil Shredder, who, mind you, is still interested in having turtle soup.
I guess more than anything, I'm just wondering what the logistics would be for him to actually compose and put together a turtle soup containing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It seems like it would get messy.
Let's Play TMNT 4: Turtles in Time (Part 2)
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Super Nintendo
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In part two of this Let's Play of the SNES game, we continue our trek to find Shredder and that creepy guy with a brain in his belly. Of course, we're trying to find them because they stole the Statue of Liberty, of which you know from watching the EXTREME part 1.
What makes this next part of the story so amazing is that we go, "Where no turtle has gone before" coming up, which involves none other than TIME TRAVEL. And seriously, when you get down to it, how much more extreme can you get than time travel?
The real question is: will Shredder dine on turtle soup tonight or not?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time EXTREME Let's Play (Part 1)
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Super Nintendo
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Ah, the start of one of my favorite video games ever, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time for the Super Nintendo SNES system. Although this was an arcade game, I never knew when I was a little kid, because all I knew was this radical video game that I had at home for some reason.
I played this game a million times, and for some reason it's a heck of a lot easier now that I'm an "adult" and not a "kid" anymore. Either way, I find some strange "liking" to put so many "things" in quotations marks in this paragraph.
This game is awesome and I hope the Let's Play of it is just as good. Oh, who am I kidding, no Let's Play of this game could fathom to attain the same amount of greatness that the aura of this Super Nintendo video game puts out. I mean, just look at the cover art over there to the left. LOOK AT IT.
Let's Play Harry Potter LEGO Years 1-4 (Part 8)
We've gotten to a point in this EXTREME let's play of LEGO Harry Potter (did you know that 'Lego' is actually supposed to be in all caps like that?) where we get to hang out with Hagrid again, but this time around we have to do it with that Malfoy character. He's kind of annoying. And he's got a very strange hairline (watch for that joke, thought of it as I said it!)
Anyway, we're in the woods, and we just so happen to come across some pretty strange things. I'm not going to give it away though. Even though it may or may not have much to do with the thumbnail that I picked out for this Let's Play video. Oh well. Just watch anyway.
Let's Play Alan Wake video game walkthrough (Part 5)
Holy crap, cinematic-extravaganza comin' up right hurr. For those of you who don't know, "hurr" is a slang-type, abbreviation of here. It's great and fun to use, you should try it!
In this episode, we get a recap of what's happened so far in the story, so if this happens (for some reason) to be the first time you've watched an episode of this let's play, you're in luck, because you get to see what happened up to this point.
But.. uh oh, we go back in tiiiiiiime!
Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 Let's Play (Part 7)
In this episode we get to finally venture on into the library! We're introduced to Filch, and I have to say, our visit with him seems to be a little absurd. I mean, outside of the fact that we're literally just stealing any and all money we find from breaking everything in the room, we're really not doing much to provoke the reaction we receive from him!
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EXTREME Let's Play
Where being good at the game is made up with extremeness.